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                                 DEF CON group 11396 @ Rome, Italy
                               [Main] [Meetings] [Posts] [Projects] 

|=--------------------------------------=[ November 2021 ]=---------------------------------------=|

by pietroborrello
This is the 17th meeting of the DEF CON group. Date and location: November 5th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Zoom (link to be posted in the Telegram group). The schedule is: ---[ The Static Road to Malware Dissection ---[ the lost art of static analysis by cristianrichi3 Malware analysis is the process of dissecting malicious software and understanding its behavior to stop its spread as soon as possible. Various techniques and tools can be used in the process, but the static analysis is the funniest among reverse engineering fanatics and the most enlightening to improve our analysis skills. In this live session, we will dissect an educational malware to show how to obtain information about its behavior using static analysis and IDA python scripting.