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                                 DEF CON group 11396 @ Rome, Italy
                               [Main] [Meetings] [Posts] [Projects] 

|=----------------------------------------=[ April 2019 ]=----------------------------------------=|

by malweisse
This is the 7th meeting of the DEF CON group. Date and location: April 26th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the B2 room at the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering (DIAG) Antonio Ruberti at Sapienza University of Rome. The schedule is: ---[ A journey through time and binary exploitation, by cristianrichi3 A walkthrough of the basics of binary exploitation, from understanding the vulnerability to crafting the final payload. We will discuss about buffer overflows and the evolution of how to exploit them, from shellcoding to return oriented programming. Then we will talk about heap exploitation by understanding how the libc heap implementation works and showing a practical example! Slides link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S2TLvPSG0GwfZuhXKzp1D1ji6jukKYpRyxFRC9qAsUE/edit?usp=sharing ---[ SAFE: Self Attentive Function Embedding for binary similarity, by lmass91 In this talk we will present SAFE, a new technique to produce vectorial representation of binary functions. The representation is computed by a recurrent neural network that preserve the similarity between functions: two functions compiled from the same source code will be represented by two similar vectors. SAFE has been proved to outperform state of the art solutions and has a wide range of application: from the discovery of vulnerabilities in COTS software to the analysis of malware. Slides link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Fzm31kgY6OMobsDg7Ow6ZGyZh24RzPy/view?usp=sharing Paper link (will be presented at DIMVA 2019): https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.05296