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                                 DEF CON group 11396 @ Rome, Italy
                               [Main] [Meetings] [Posts] [Projects] 

|=----------------------------------=[ List of talks in 2018 ]=-----------------------------------=|

by malweisse
The talks given during the meetings in 2018 are: - Who we are and what is a DEF CON group, by malweisse https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zFaUcCbtcm9Bb8POnuA-CbDq8xprVQvZzgI214174lM/edit?usp=sharing - Tales of cheap duckies: combining Digispark Attiny85, TOR and the Empire Framework, by W1ckDavid https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sggt4zMoPoEoYGHxbx7OWVuZWJnJ6NIIGYcHLYFuaFM/edit?usp=sharing - RopGun: runtime detection of ROP payload executions, by anticlockwise https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uoO23Qgu17Qme2EFHDmlScZqEOGvZdd7-FBsTbd65-4/edit?usp=sharing - Angr & Pwn: vulnerability detection using symbolic execution, by malweisse https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_64Vm0pw6QpFbBYy8s1RHkDrJHj4zHIc7d8yTrSr1JI/edit?usp=sharing - Weaknesses of blockchain applications, by simonebronzini https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZrsK4YBE60CggeOvF9pWn8uCglPlVI8S/view - Flare-On5 #12, a trip into bootkits and esoteric ISAs, by dp1 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ycd0r-7ftUTRAWanOAYun6nkEaZIU1SUI1dIBxZ-EVg/edit?usp=sharing - Side channels attacks in air-gapped environments, by gdl_jotaro_sama https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cNfqtHt7ppZ57mmjvdFCpV2dGwOpXBqm/view?usp=sharing - Dynamic Binary Instrumentation for Malware analysis, by f_palmaro https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dYr8s2DKEdYb_G-wlEykLIyHFosWai2n/view?usp=sharing